
Firebase Extension Issues

Installation Issues

The Firebase Extensions product is still in Beta, which can sometimes lead to resource provisioning issues during installation. Common scenarios include:

Timing-Related Errors

When enabling services like Firestore, Storage, or Secret Manager, background provisioning can take time. Racing through the installation process might cause errors due to these timing dependencies.

If you encounter an error:

  1. Click the "View Details" link
  2. Scroll to the bottom
  3. Use the "Retry installation" button

General Installation Problems

If you're experiencing persistent issues with the extension:

  1. Uninstall the extension completely
  2. Wait until the extension is no longer showing
  3. Reinstall the extension
Need help? Join our Discord community for support with extension-related issues.

Dogen Client Issues


Dogen empowers developers with complete control over their application, including internal entities and configurations. While this approach may occasionally lead to user errors, we believe in providing robust recovery mechanisms rather than restricting capabilities. This philosophy ensures a more flexible and useful experience.

Common Issues

  • Generation errors
  • Configuration problems
  • Permission loading failures
  • Client caching issues
  • Missing Firestore indexes on queries

Resolution Steps

  • Regenerate the client with ignore cache enabled
  • Clear problematic field/entity config
  • Clear browser cache and storage
  • Reload the application
  • Create missing Firestore indexes

Client Version Recovery

If the client is not responding correctly, you can load a previous version:

  1. Open the Version Management modal
  2. Find a previously working version
  3. Use the "Load Client Version" action
Loading a previous version allows you to continue working while investigating the issue or trying a different approach.
Exercise caution with older client versions as they may lack recent schema updates and validation rules. Review the loaded version's schemas before attempting to save or modify any data.

Blueprint Recovery

If you encounter issues with your blueprints and need to recover:

  1. Open the Version Management modal
  2. Locate the desired generation version
  3. Use the "Restore Blueprints" action
Be cautious with blueprint restoration - this action will delete all current blueprints and replace them with the version from the selected generation's archive.