
Config Parameters

Config Parameters provide a powerful way to manage your application's runtime behavior directly from Firestore. Use them to control feature flags, manage configuration settings, or store any dynamic values that your application needs to query.

Why Use Config Parameters?

While Firebase offers Remote Config, it comes with certain limitations. Dogen Config Parameters on the other hand are stored in a dedicated collection in your Firestore database, making them easy to manage and query. They provide a more robust alternative with:

  • Full type safety and schema validation
  • Support for complex, nested data structures
  • Integration with your existing Firestore data model
  • No hard limits on the number of fetches, number of parameters, and so on.

However, Firebase Remote Config is still a powerful product with its own unique strengths, and depending on your needs, you might want to use Remote Config, Dogen Config Parameters, or even both in combination to achieve your specific goals.

Common Use Cases

Feature Flags

Control feature availability in your application without deploying new code. Perfect for:

  • A/B testing
  • Gradual feature rollouts
  • Beta program management

Application Settings

Manage application-wide settings that need to be easily updated:

  • API endpoints
  • Service configurations
  • Global parameters

Complex Configurations

For more sophisticated needs, create structured configuration objects by leveraging Dogen's entity types. Your application can query these values from Firestore to control complex behaviors.

Your application can query these parameters directly from Firestore to enable dynamic behavior changes without redeployment.

For example, check if a feature flag is enabled before showing new functionality, or load service configurations at startup.

Creating Parameters

Start by creating a Config Parameter Blueprint. You can make it as simple or complex as needed:

Screenshot showing the Config Parameters Blueprint interface
  • Use simple types for basic flags and values
  • Leverage Embedded Entities for reusable structured data
  • Create Lists or Maps for collections of values

Managing Parameters

Once you've created your Config Parameters, you can manage them directly in the Config section, under the Parameters tab:

Screenshot showing the Config Parameters interface with various parameter types and values

Here you can view and modify parameters. Clicking on the "Launch" parameter lets us modify it:

Screenshot showing the Launch parameter management interface

Entity Configuration

The Entity Configuration section provides field-level control over Object and Embedded Entities in your application. This include Dogen's internal entities. This means you can set default values, validation rules, and UI settings for each field of each entity.

Screenshot of the Entity Configuration interface showing all entities.

Available Configurations

Default Values

Set initial values for fields when creating new entities.

Validation Rules

Define custom validation rules for each field to ensure data integrity.

Preview Settings

Configure UI options:

  • Hide fields from preview
  • Set colors, font options, and more.

Entity List Page Settings

Configure options:

  • Set sort order
  • Set items shown per page

Example: Adding Field Validation

Let's walk through adding a validation rule to make the "description" field on Object Entity Blueprints require a minimum length of 10 characters. Keep in mind this field is normally optional.

To start, go to the Config section, and select the Entities tab. Next, click on the "Object Entity" type.

Screenshot showing an empty Object Entity configuration.

Next click on the "validations" field and specify a minimum length for the description field:

Screenshot showing how to add a minimum length validation rule to the description field

Once you save this configuration, any attempt to create a new Object Entity Blueprint with a description shorter than 10 characters will display the following validation error:

Screenshot showing validation error when description is too short

Example: Setting Default Values

Here's how to set a default category value for all new Products:

Start by going to the Config section, and select the Entities tab. Next, click on the "Product" type.

Screenshot showing an empty Object Entity configuration.

Next click on the "Value" field and specify a default category value:

Screenshot showing how to set a default category for Products

After saving, any new Product forms will automatically have the category pre-selected with this default value:

Screenshot showing new Product form with pre-selected default category

Configuration changes should take effect immediately upon saving without requiring a generation. However, if you don't see your changes reflected try refreshing your browser window.

While most types do support configuration, some entities and types may not support it at this time. Stay tuned for updates on this feature.